Marketing Management



“I may not have been the most outspoken student in your class and yes your class was different than most other management classes, but I didn’t take that as a bad thing. It was a challenge to me and made me want to prove I was up to the challenge. I learned a lot in your class and in fact still reference many of the things we did in your class in school and work today.

Sharon was one of the hardest working students I ever had.  Of all testimonials she understands and acknowledges the benefits of my teaching style and methods best.  I get emotional each time I read it.   For complete testimonial, Testimonials – Marketing Management: Sharon

Professor Heller conducted his classroom differently than any other professor I have had.  Initially, I was weary of his process, but after two weeks I recognized within myself that I was a different student in Heller’s class. … I cannot express how much valuable, real-world knowledge I learned in Heller’s course compared to other management classes I have taken. …Without a doubt, I am a more knowledgeable, strategic, and skilled student and have more to contribute to the business world due to my time as a student in professor Heller’s marketing course.

Bruce was the most appreciative student I’ve ever had. Incredible maturity and he like Sharon (above) truly understands what I am accomplishing in the classroom. For complete testimonial, Testimonials – Marketing Management: Bruce

Beyond Professor Heller’s teaching style, the material he presented in class was very educational, informative, and pertinent. Information was constantly related and applied to real world situations, which I think, is extremely valuable for our future pursuits and also helps validate the theories. The information presented in class was relentlessly backed by real-world situations, research, and guest speakers. 


“Professor Heller: I just wanted to say another thank you. I interviewed with Google in December, and they were very impressed with my knowledge of their advertising system due to our SEO classes and assignments. Just another way your class helped me 😮 .I want you to know that I really got a lot out of your class.”

Dwayne comments on the helpfulness of  Social Media class coverage on Blogging and Virale Marketing  that resulted in the student potentially winning a college contest worth $2,500.

I was just sending you this email to tell you I applied some of the marketing concepts you talked about in class in the real world. Boost Mobile is doing this “Un-wrong’d” campaign at 9 colleges across the country, with our university being one of them. In the video, you must say what has wronged you, and how Boost can un-wrong you by giving you $2500. Out of about 200 people, 2 grand prize winners are selected based on their ratings and their total amount of views. I used Blogs and Social Networking to self promote and market myself. So far I am number 1 in the country in Ratings and number 4 in views.

Scott  comments on the helpfulness of Search Engine Optimization whereby he applied to his summer internship and radically helped the company’s ranking on search engines.  Also references a database that was covered in class, Reference USA that (among other applications) is extremely useful in locating potential employers that was covered under business-to -business marketing topic.

I just wanted to write you and let you know that here at ______ Research & Technology, I have already used what you taught us in Search Engine Optimization to help the company get better visibility to our direct audience.  However, I am working from memory on this one because I seem to have misplaced the assignment on SEO in my file folder at home.  I was wondering if you could forward me the assignment and anything else that you feel might be beneficial.

P.S. There was a great site that you gave to us in assisting us in identifying employers by field and geographics,  along with a myriad of other data.  I can’t remember the name of the site but I want to say it was something like “jobsUSA”.  I am trying to apply for real jobs now I am remembering how helpful that was.