Vision: Propelling Undergraduate Business Schools Forward

I believe my website will expose you to topics and perspectives that, if implemented within undergraduate business programs, will improve the productivity, creativity, and profitability of businesses in the immediate future as graduating students enter the business world. The practical approaches and techniques I describe can advance our business graduates ability to become major contributors within their respective employers.  These topics are organized into the following categories: 

  • Real World Application Focus
  • Academic Rigor and Professor Evaluation Process
  • High-level Administrative Issues and Policies
  • Curriculum and Testing
  • Assignment Effectiveness
  • Classroom and Course Management

This website offers today’s undergraduate business schools a perspective “outside their ordinary norm“.  It is vital to always have new and objective blood challenging the status quo within an industry grouping or more specifically within an organization. With my inquisitive nature and background in both management consulting and entrepreneurship I have a unique perspective in evaluating the status quo. My perspective is broad-based  having instructed,  (i) at five different business schools (Georgia State,  Kennesaw State, Mercer MBA, Oglethorpe, and guest lecturing at Emory), (ii) within four different functional departments (Marketing, Corporate Finance, Hospitality, and Management Information Systems), and  (iii) amongst students ranging from undergraduate freshmen to MBAs.

My objectivity is not compromised by tenure worries as my recent four years as an educator are in the capacity of an Part-Time Instructor to “give back”. Contrast my independent objectivity to an established faculty member that have ongoing concerns about being politically correct that may influence their future compensation, promotion, departmental acknowledgement, and peer acceptance.

By having my readership delving into the many progressive teaching approaches this website’s objectivem is to propel  undergraduate business schools forward.

Along with interested educators, business executives and recruiters can directly apply the principles of this website to select the undergraduate business schools where they decide to focus their recruiting efforts.