Test 1:
The use of a crib sheet for test one was helpful. It really helped me to study when I was setting it up and although I didn’t use it much during the test I did like knowing that it was there just in case I couldn’t recall something. The layout you gave us to create the crib sheet helped a great deal. Most tests I take in my other classes take me about 20-30 minutes to complete, however this was not the case with this test. The test took me almost the whole class [75 minutes]. Although it seems grueling to have to go through this, when I got my grade back and saw how well I did given all of the material that was on it as well as how long it took I felt really good about myself. I knew I spent a good amount of time studying for this test so getting such a great grade back really helped me to feel more confident about myself.
So far the assignments in class have been challenging but not too difficult. I am in the process of doing assignment 8 right now which I find very difficult but you will be going over after spring break. [student motivated to work far ahead] Sometimes when I read an assignment I do not understand the relevancy of it, however once I complete it I realize how many different functions and applications I have used in various software programs like Excel and Word. Also, when I have completed the assignment I am pleased with the fact that I had to devote time to it and really pay attention to detail and to the appropriate finishing touches. I know this will help me a great deal when I graduate and am out in the work force. I do not use Excel much for my other courses and Excel is a huge part of business these days. I like that we use Excel frequently in this course because I am getting to know it better and it’s becoming second nature to do different things on it instead of spending three minutes trying to remember how to do it